List Manager Forum

Searching results not exported

User moon_504 2012-05-21 07:18:41

Dear Support,

Using list manager, I conducted a search and then exported the results. Unfortunately, the export included all the items in the list and not just the search results.

Could you kindly help in ensuring that only search results are exported when required



Moonsoft support 2012-05-21 12:55:48

yes, in fact, that is the result expected, export functions are used to get the listing as a full record view, and they don't discard records depending on front-end filtering/paging. They do filter if the list is intended to show only user records, so the list downloaded will contain only owned records. Also you can choose if exported columns will be all defined for your list, or only visible ones, but the number of records will still remain.
If you think this is a useful change for the extension, please place a suggestion at the forum below and we'll include it as a feature request for future version of List Manager.

Thank you, best regards

User moon_504 2012-05-21 21:58:06

Dear Support,

This is a vital functionality, without it my users say this intervention I added to our website will not serve a useful purpose. I strongly suggest that you add this functionality to this component.

Also might you be in position to let me know when you might add this functionality?



Moonsoft support 2012-05-22 17:51:06

we are in time for including a new export option using filtered data for next version of the extension, that will be published in the next days, but sorry to tell you if you're using joomla 1.5 the new release won't apply to you within a short time, because it will be initially published for joomla 1.6/1.7 and 2.5.
In case you were not going to upgrade your joomla, we could also offer a custom version for you including the change. If you are interested, let us know and we'll send you a quote, this is not a mayor change.

Best regards
Moonsoft Team

User moon_504 2012-05-22 21:35:30

Dear Support,

We are not upgrading anytime soon. I am interested in having this work for my joomla 1.5 and please send me the custom version although I find myself and other joomla 1.5 users kind of discriminated by your options especially that you say its i not a major change. Why dont you take care of 1.5 users too after all you have the solution? Also by next days do you refer to tomorrow, next week, or next month?


Moonsoft support 2012-05-23 18:31:21

next version is supposed to be published in a few days, expecting to have it released by the end of this week, but depending on the tests, maybe delayed to next week.
The new release contains the change you are refering (which indeed is not a mayor one), together with a set of other minor changes, and a whole set of mayor ones, so we don't want you to feel discriminated, is just a decision we have to make regarding the amount of weeks of work it would take to have this new release working for 1.5.
If you check the official site

you can see joomla 1.5 is already an 'End of Life' version, which means it's not even supported by joomla developers, so we also are forced to move on, and be ready to move our products to the upcomming j3.0 as soon as it's released. So, we have decided to continue support for all our joomla 1.5 products, but we are not going to adapt new versions for 1.5.
We'll send you the custom version quote by email, with details of delivery time.

Thank you, best regards

Moonsoft support 2012-05-24 12:41:50

finally we decided to modify a couple of files to get export to pdf/excel only with filtered records. Please find the download at your customer access page, with instructions to place the files.

Hope this helps
Best regards

User moon_504 2012-05-25 21:26:36

Dear Support,

I followed the instructions and it works fine



Edited by moon_504 - 25.05.2012 21:26


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