List Manager Forum

Internet explorer fails to save

User moon_456 2012-05-15 21:50:19


your component runs great, except when I try to save a record within IE. When I click the save button, nothing happens. Do you have a solution for that?

Kind Regards.

Moonsoft support 2012-05-16 23:08:19

the component is supposed to work ok for IE, please check any of our examples at this site to confirm if it's really a explorer issue. If you can't save, please send us the exact version of your IE, in order to try to reproduce here.

If it's happening only on your site, then we should focus on some conflict or configuration problem. You can open a ticket to send us your site url and we'll try to help.

Best regards

User moon_456 2012-05-17 20:38:11


I installed the latest IE, but I still can't save. So it is only on my site that it happens. I am gonna open a ticket like you say before.

Kind Regards,

Davy Conaert.

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