List Manager Forum

Mass deletion

User Pascal BAZZEA 2025-01-02 10:58:01

Is it possible to deactivate the mass deletion of lines (I searched and couldn't find an option to deactivate this)
Thank you
Best regards

Moonsoft support 2025-01-02 11:53:52

at the time you enable the possibility of deletion of lines for your users, they can remove any number lines, either clicking each row one by one and the button delete, selecting several rows and clicking delete, or, using the 'select all' option to select all visible lines. You could 'hide' from the view this last helper, so you will force users to click on each row before using the button, but in any case they will be able to remove any number of lines. This is the style required to hide the select all button in case it helps

input {
display: none;

Best regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team

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