here is a screen shot of the error messages when trying to import the data
yes, we understand that it may seem a bit overwhelming at first to see so many options. This is because with this extension you can do the basic table functions, but also very complex systems. But just for filling a table with basic data, it shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes to have it ready, here the steps.
If you have already created your database, and configured the fields then you have several options to fill data:
- Manually:
Go to you table->display->form layout (this will be the input form). Create it automatically using any of the buttons. At the 'data layout' you should also add a button 'new' in order to allow enter new data.
Now go to the main/initial configuration page of ListManager, select your list and database options->manage data, you will find there your 'new' button and the input form from the previous step.
- CSV:
In order to add bulk data, you will need to enter the same number of fields, but also ensure the data corresponds to the type you have configured for that column. Per your error log it seems you have created the column 'phone' as a number (integer), but you're trying to store there data like
For that kind of content, you should use a text column instead, then the error should dissapear.
Please give it a try and let us know if you need further help with the configuration.
Best regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team
Thank you. That is helpful. I have followed your instructions and there is no change.... I still can't add records to the Manage Data page. I have attached screen shots of my setup so you can review and help troubleshoot. Thanks.
OK. I've been able to import the data from the CSV file. It didn't ignore the first line of the CSV file with the field names, but when I removed the first line, it gave me an error message and wouldn't import any data.
I still need to know how to edit entries manually (add, delete, etc), filter and search. It doesn't show those "search", "edit", "new", "delete", and "filter" buttons that I added in the Data Layout tab (see attached screen shot).
How can I choose to have different fields/columns visible in the back end (administrator view) verses what columns are visible on the front end (user view)? I'd like to be able to edit more fields on the back end, and initially only show some of those fields to the user, then show more data that is visible in a detail view when the user clicks on a "detail" or "more info" button on the front end. How do I do that?
And how can I format how the table looks on the front end? Colors, fonts, etc. I want it to use the same template style as the rest of the site... or at least mimic that color scheme and fonts as much as possible.
How can I include links to files/images in one of the fields? I need to show flyers for each caterer. They would be JPG or PDF files. When I add the HTML code to display them, it only shows the code, not the link.
at your screenshot of the data layout, we see your buttons at the toolbar are not properly included, (they show 'undefined' at the title). That's why you're not getting them working at the table manager. We've seen this same error once, and it was a problem with the site permissions, not allowing that page to load required assets for the scripts or the media folders, thus causing this weird behavior. Can you please show your dev tools at your browser (F12), reload that page again, and let us know if you can see any error at the js tab and/or the network tab?
-How to have different fields/columns visible in the back end/front end: Once you have finished with the configuration of one of the profiles (for ex, the front end, readonly), you should select the list->copy, and then configure for the other profile (backend, with edition and different columns). You will only publish the first one, while you will keep the second profile to be used only for the backend (or from the frontend with restricted access, for ex).
- How can I format how the table looks on the front end
The table is created using the default bootstrap 5 library, because is the one used at the default Joomla installation and template. But you can disable the bootstrap option at the module configuration 'Use bootstrap->No'. That way the table will only be styled by your custom template.
Otherwise, If you want to do a fine tunning of specific styles, you can still use bootstrap but change its styles to modify the look and feel. At the files
you will find the default classes to modify/override.
More information about default table styles from bootstrap can be found here:
Some of the basic options for bootstrap are also included at the 'Display' section, where you can enable/disable styles like 'bordered', 'stripped'...etc
- Show images or link to files:
The html field is the right one to include images or files or any other valid html content, you can see it in action here:
this includes an image of a car, but it could be a link to a file, for ex. If the html field is not behaving properly, it can be due to the same problem commented above, if there is any file not loading, or a js conflict, then you could see the functions showing strange content. We suggest to work on the first issue and then try again this one.
Note: If you prefer us to debug and let you know how to solve more quickly, you can share a temp access at the 'private data' of the ticket and we'll check this and the rest of the configuration, so you will be able to continue on your own in no time.
Best regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team
Thank you Silvia for being so helpful. I really appreciate it.
I turned bootstrap off and the theme formatting is sufficient for now. That was an easy fix.. Thank you!
I do not understand what you are saying about how to create two versions of the table view (front end vs back end). How do you create the different profiles? It seems like the information on whether the field/column is visible/editable or not is set in the Fields/Columns tab and I do not see a way to duplicate or create multiple variations there.
If you want to get into the site and figure out what the problem with the permissions is, I would be very grateful! I have created temporary credentials for you and included them in the "private data" field of this support ticket.
New question: Is it possible to create additional modules to show only PART of the data in this one database, for example just the Full Service Caterers or just the Other Services? It would be convenient to have all the data in one database and only show filtered results in various places on the website. Or would I need to build three different databases with the same structure (field names, types, settings), with a separate database for each main category?
Thanks again for your help.
sure, we can debug directly at your site to find out, but we are not allowed to access using that connection data, sorry. We get
You do not have access to the Administrator section of this site.
so maybe our user is not assigned to the right group. Can you please check so we can try again?
Regarding your question, the way to create another 'profile/view' for the same database table is using the option 'copy' from the main listmanager administration page (where you see the names of your lists). Select your list and launch 'copy'. You will get another list, but connected with the same real database table, and now you have the option to change its configuration as required (hide/show fields, add/remove edition rights....), you can change any of the options, and publish this one for the needed Joomla users.
Same for the subset of data. You can copy the main list, and set a restriction for the data to be shown. This can be done at the 'display' options, you will find there the field
Fixed custom filter
here you can enter a condition that will restrict the data recovered from your main table, and it will always apply, in addition to any other filter you can enable for your users, like the search text. If you have a db column named 'category', you could write
category='Full Service Caterers'
so this list will work only to this specific set of data. You can create as many lists as needed still keeping one single table at your database.
Hope this helps, we look forward the access to check the remaining issue.
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team
Oops. Sorry about that. Your user now has Administrator level. Let me know if it needs to be Super User.
Also, I've noticed that sometimes (seemingly random), the website displays blank data where the List Manager should be. This happens in one browser (ie: Chrome) but not in another (ie: Firefox), but another day it is working on all browsers, and another day different browsers are affected. I've attached a screen shot to show what I mean by "blank data". Usually if it is happening on the front end of the site, it usually also happens on the back end, but not always. Can you help me figure out why this is happening?
And how can I format the way the data appears on a mobile device? I would think that would be under the Display > Card, but I have that set up the same way for all three Tables but they display differently and not the way I've specified. I would prefer that the field name is not displayed, the business name is larger and bold, and the rest of the data is compressed vertically without large gaps between each line. Can you help me know how to do that? Thanks.
I've tried adding the strong and big style settings to the Business Name field in the Form Layout as well but that does not seem to be working either.
we've made some tests at your site. About the first issue, the 'undefined' buttons when configuring layout, has been impossible to replicate, we've tried using different browsers, but we've succesfully added a couple of buttons to your 'admin' list, the 'new' and 'delete', then saved and restored without problem. You can try to remove all the buttons and try to add them again, just to ensure if its a specific problem at your browser or the issue has already been solved at the server side.
Same for the front end list, we kept reloading the lists during many minutes, and they loaded properly all the times. If you are able to reproduce, then you can try to load the page looking the dev tools of your browser (F12) and send us any error you may find either at the 'script' or 'network' tab.
Then for the look and feel for mobile. The 'card' layout, is not specific for mobile, you can choose if your table will use a default layout (rows/columns), or a 'card' one, where each record will show as a rectangular section. It must be enabled at the display configuration section for the list, and it will apply for all screen sizes, so the 'card' layout you create will be used. The classes you set at the fields are included at the input fields (so you will find them showing at the input form). So none of this options is really affecting data at the table view.
The layout you're actually seeing as the mobile view is the one defined by your template (in fact it uses the bootstrap table stacked classes). So, you can adjust at your template settings, or you can use the free 'css' option at LM in order to customize. If you go to your first front-end list we've added some examples there, all of them applied to the proper max screen size (this is plain css) , to hide the field names we've set the display for class table-responsive-stack-thead
, and for styling only first field, we've set the styles for first child of each row.
We've also overriden the big padding changing the one set by your template to 0.
At this same section you can introduce any other customization you need.
One thing we've noticed is we had to wait a long time before any of our changes went live, it seems your server has enabled a strong cache and it may be difficult to check the latest changes if the page shows the configuration from many minutes ago. We had no option to clean cache so we suggest to do it in order to ensure the settings are really the last ones introduced.
We look forward your feedback about the buttons and empty lists, please let us know if you have any other question pending.
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team
Werid. I get the undefined when pulling the buttons over in Google Chrome, but it works in Firefox. Why doesn't it work in Google Chrome? That is a much more commonly used browser and should be supported.
Also, frequently the front end and back end Manage Data does not pull up in Google Chrome. Some times it does, but a lot of the time it does not. What is wrong?
When editing the html for the link to download a flyer, the first time you input the html code, it works fine, but when you edit it, it becomes corrupt and cannot be fixed.
This is the desired HTML code
Now, even if I delete all the data in the database and reimport it from a CSV file, the corrupted code seems to still be there... I cannot add any new links to any of the entries without the corrupted code affecting it. See attached screen capture. If I add the https to the front of the URL it truncates it to .. relative path. This is pretty frustrating...
I see that you have made the businessname filed bold and I do like that. But please teach me how to do it (include screen shots) so that I can make additional changes myself. I would also like to have the business name's text bigger and a different color. How can I do that?
Also, why is only the Specialty Caterers showing up on mobile without the field names (Business Name, Contact Person, etc.)? The other two tables (Full Service Catering and Other Services) show the field names. I would prefer that all of the tables do NOT show the field names, but I don't know how to do that. Please tell me know to do that. Thanks.
Also, the CSS formatting that you did for the businessname field only affected mobile view, not normal view. I would like to have the businessname bold on both mobile AND larger screen views. How do I do that?
FYI I've increased your user access level to Super User just in case.
yes, of course the extension must work with Chrome without problems, actually it has been developed and fully tested using Chrome. At your site the buttons you see properly configured, and all the tests we have done also at the frontend have worked with Chrome, Firefox and Edge all the times. So we're now trying to find out if there is any specific issue with the Chrome version for mac, as we see at your video its the only difference from what we're testing from here. If you could provide the information from your console (F12 + reload page, for ex the layout edition + send us any error you may find at the network or script tabs), that would be perfect to speed up the debug.
About the html, the extension itself doesn't change any information from the user inputs. However, the tinymce editor does, sometimes creating relative paths with . . where not wanted or with wrong format. This was a know bug of the editor some time ago, now this editor configuration has a parameter to avoid that, and the LM also includes it, but it's present only on our latests versions (for Joomla 5).
For your Joomla version, it has also an easy fix, we have just modified this file
You do need to use absolute paths, as you want to see the same link working both from back or front end.
We also found out at your image a problem with the html, is not valid because the first double quote you have is a weird symbol instead of the default ", so the quotes don't match and the links wont show properly at the page. If you copied/pasted this same code this may have caused the wrong display of the element (and maybe the following ones).
Please try to enter/edit now the html elements to confirm its working as expected.
Finally, you can see the styles we have added, at the list configuration (Catering (Full Service)). Enter the list configuration->CSS button. There you will find the styles added (this is plain css), all styles are inside the 'mobile' section
@media (max-width: 768px) {
/*the custom styles for mobile here, apart from some default table styles, we have added
.mstable tbody tr td:nth-child(1) to style only the first field.
but you can just remove the media enclosure and it will apply to all sizes, add new styles...all the css you enter here will be added to the list page. We have entered here some styles that will affect to all tables present at the same page, so they only need to be entered in one of the lists, but you can continue your customization as you prefer.
Hope this helps, regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team
OK. Great! You have been super helpful! I am extremely grateful for all your help and patience with me while we work through all these issues. I realize that this is probably more than usual.
I have almost everything the way that I want it now except for a couple of little things:
1. Why the tables don't show in Google Chrome for Mac. I am not sure I'm understanding exactly what you are asking for as far as error messages, but I've attached a couple of View > Developer > Developer Tools reports. If there is anything else you need, please let me know specifically how to get it and I will.
2. I have been able to change the formatting of the table headings (Business Name, Contact Person) by modifying the CSS, but changing font-weight: normal or font-weight: 100 is not working. I don't want them to be bold... is there a different way to do that or different code that I need to use?
3. I have specified what information to show in the detail popup by editing the Display > Detail Layout in each table. But even though I have selected "Show Detail on row click: Yes" on all three tables, only the first one is working. What am I missing? Why are the second and third tables not doing the detail popup?
4. Is there an easy way to change the color of the search button? Currently it uses the theme's "success" color, but I would like it to be the light blue color (#7996AA). I could change the theme's "success" color, but that would change everything... every time the success color is called, which may be undesirable. Is there a way to ONLY change the color of the search button? If that's a big deal and complicated, let's not worry about it at this time.
Thanks again for all your help!
Happy New Year! FYI The tables also don't work on Safari or Google Chrome on iPhone.
Hi, and happy New Year!
we have finally found out why you're not seeing results. It's not related to the list configuration itself, but with a server restriction that the browsers take into account and are restricting some ajax calls. When you browse your site using www or not, it makes a difference because the ajax calls (the ones in charge of loading data) are always launched using your Joomla configuration (base url). Calling that base url (that you have set with www) from a page loaded without it, it results on a different domain, and the call is rejected according to your server settings.
The behavior of the server about this is configured at the .htaccess file. You can choose to redirect all your site traffic to the www url if someone tries to browse without it so the domains will always match, or, allow to load data from the main domain even if the 'caller' is the url without the www.
Probably your hosting provider can help you to better understand and configure this, but here a quick result search for properly configuring the headers for Joomla
-Formatting of the table headings: in order to override the template settings you need to style the 'th' to set the font-height, we added
.mstable thead th{ font-weight:100;}
-Detail popup: rechecked your configuration and added the 'detail' button to the other 2 lists at the 'data layout' configuration section. This is required even if you choose to use the row click for launching the detail and hide this button afterwards, now it should work as expected.
Please let us know if you still find any issue pending
Best regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team
Thank you so much for all your help. I was able to get my site to automatically change the URL and force it to add the www so that the tables work on all devices and all browsers. And the table formatting is how I want them.
This may be a small issue, but I cannot seem to add any notes to any of the Tables/List Configurations. I've tried it in several different browsers, but when I add notes in the notes field then save it, it removes all the notes. What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do to add notes in the notes field of each List Configuration?
you're right, the notes field was not saving because a typo at the field name. This issue was fixed a couple of months ago, but again this was only added to latest versions for Joomla 5. Luckily the fix is quite simple so we could apply it to your J4 version as well, tweaking these files:
You should see this field working properly now.
Best regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team
Great. Thank you so much!
I purchased List Manager, and am trying to publish a simple list of caterers for an event center. I've created the database and set up all the fields, pagination, views, etc. I have published the module to the page on my site. But I cannot add data to the database. When I click Manage Data it doesn't give me a way to manually enter data, only to import data from a CSV file. And every time I try to import data from a CSV file, it gives me a bunch of errors. This is very frustrating! I have it formatted in the correct number of columns with the correct field names and in the correct order. How difficult does it really need to be to import a simple CSV file? I'm not an idiot... I've done a lot of programming and used dozens of Joomla extensions for the last 10+ years and List Manager is one of the most difficult to figure out. It is not not intuitive and your documentation is super basic and does not explain how to do things very well. There are zero videos on YouTube about how to use List Manager either. Can you please help me figure out how to use your List Manager extension? Thank you.