List Manager Forum

Detail view for data from MySQL query

User calmdevil 2023-01-16 01:11:28

please help to resolve:
I have some fields (radiobutton and multiselect lists) with data from other tables. In New or Edit forms I see all normal but in Detail view there are only indexes (id_internal) but not a corresponding data.

User calmdevil 2023-01-16 01:34:43

A same behavior for a Search: searching by the index, but not value.

Moonsoft support 2023-01-16 09:48:20

we are going to try to reproduce here. Can you please provide the Joomla and ListManager version you're using?

Thanks, best regards
Moonsoft Team

User calmdevil 2023-01-16 10:16:19

Joomla 4.2.6, LM 4.2.3
May be I do something wrong? First try using after Fabrik.
For a field (text) type Multiple option (List), in SQL query: SELECT id_internal, breed FROM breeds.

Moonsoft support 2023-01-17 11:33:54

Ok, you're right, we found out there is an issue with the multiple option in specific cases for that version. It's already solved in latest release 4.2.4. You can download now from your dashboard, upgrade the extension and try again with the same configuration, it should work as expected, let us know otherwise.

Thanks, best regards

User calmdevil 2023-01-17 20:49:19

Yes, looks like all works correctly, but some settings was reseted.

Moonsoft support 2023-01-18 09:17:08

Ok, do you mean when you launched the upgrade? If you can give us more details about the settings that have been reset we'll take a look and fix for the next upgrade.

Thanks, regards

User calmdevil 2023-01-18 11:24:01

No, not in upgrading, but after with tables. I cant to describe all - resolved it by re-saving Fields/Columns in admin menu.

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