List Manager Forum

URL of the link to other list and Menu

User aliwari 2022-04-24 19:17:41

Hi LMSteam,

Where can I get the URL of the Hyperlink cell the showing in the table after setting the column to link to other list? I need the link to configure menu to open the target table insted of clicking on the Hyperlink Cell inside the table.



Moonsoft support 2022-04-25 09:50:50

that column type doesn't generate a simple url , it creates a post request with some parameters, so this is not a simple text that you can copy/paste, sorry. If you need to show another table you will need to create a menu entry publishing the target table, or maybe a view of that table if you need to.

Hope this helps

User aliwari 2022-04-25 10:10:31


I do understand, I've seen the code for post request with the parameters that generate the link to target table.

Ok,I have another question please, how to configure a filter on a table with an option list type column has (on/off) value to let the table show only (off) value records when open the table by default? without showing the filter on the page?



Moonsoft support 2022-04-26 10:23:46

you have the option to create a view at your database, applying your needed filters, so it will contain only the required data (you many need to ask for help to your db admin if you are not familiar with this kind of db function). Then you can publish the view using ListManager same as any other db table, with the sole exception db views are not 'editable', so in order to modify data the source main table is the one that must be updated.


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