List Manager Forum

List does not show in Joomla 2.5.1

User moon_391 2012-03-29 14:20:46

I've purchased and installed List Manager Version 0.0.3 in a Joomla 2.5.1 site. I can create a new list and add entries using the administrative screens, but when I put List Manager for that list on a menu item and try to access it from the front end then only add entries form appears but list added by is not appearing in the front end, and event i am not able to add list from from end also.

I am using this list manager here on this site (url given below)

Can you tell me the problem.


Moonsoft support 2012-03-29 15:19:08

checked your site and found you have some javascript problems, even before loading list manager. If some javascript code is crashing, you'll have problems to show the component. As far as we can see from here, you have this:

Fecha y hora: 29/03/2012 15:04:06
Error: container is null
Archivo de origen:
Línea: 66

That seems to be related to your template, and looking at the code we also find at least three imports of jquery library like this:

without any line to avoid conflict with joomla core library mootools, that is the one used for listmanager. In order to avoid conflicts, you should add the no conflict instruction each time you import jquery, please check this threads about this same issue:

Hope it helps you, best regards


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