List Manager Forum

Date item is always shown as ()today

User grutho 2019-05-09 08:13:28


I have a short list with one date Item. In the Database is the date correctly, but in the main table view is always the current date shown ()today. The funny thing is, I can sort on a table with current data and in the detail view is the right date...

Would be glad for a fast Response or Idea…

Best Regards

Moonsoft support 2019-05-09 09:20:21

you can check:
1 that the field configuration has a type Date->Date and not Date->today

2 then please recheck all your dates format configuration in order to confirm all formats match your database date format and the one you want to show at the column. At your list configuration->Front view config check the fields

database date format
date format

If this doesn't show the front end view please share the format of the date you have at your database (one real example of the data you can see stored) and the formats you have configured and so we'll try to reproduce here.


User grutho 2019-05-09 10:30:48

thank you for your quick help. I had forgot to define the date-format in the configuration for views…

Best Regards

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