List Manager Forum

Warning Column 'extension_id' cannot be null Package Install: There was an error installing an extension:

User Monsterface 2019-04-15 22:15:30


I am running Joomla 3.9.1 with PHP 7.2.16 and get the above error message when trying to install LM 2.6.8_25_30.

I have also tried installing older versions of LM and the alternative methods (URL and Folder installations).

How can I get List Manager up and running again?

Moonsoft support 2019-04-15 23:05:48


That message sounds like the extension was not properly uninstalled/removed when you recovered the backup. You can try to remove manually remaining folders from the extension:
- administrator/com_listmanager
- modules/mod_listmanager
- components/com_listmanager

and try again the install package.



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