List Manager Forum

Email & Export to PDF not working

User jdg072 2018-06-15 18:14:01

1. When I try to export to PDF (filtered or normal) the pdf show up, but I cannot download it or save it to disk: save as...). It does work with Excel, but not with PDF
2. When i type in a valid emailaddress end click "Emaillist to", a invalid email address" error pops up. Why?

Sending mail from the "send test mail" in the Joomla configuration document does work.

Any idea's?
BR, Johan

Edited by jdg072 - 15.06.2018 18:14

Moonsoft support 2018-06-18 08:35:45

we're not able to reproduce here, the pdf shows on each browser using the configured viewer, but all of them have a 'save' option in order to download, also tried the email function and the email launches without problem here. So we'd like to check directly at your site, can you please open a private ticket at the helpdesk and share the url where we can see the list working?

Thanks, regards

Moonsoft support 2018-07-03 00:48:47


I have same problem.

E-mail function does not work.

Moonsoft support 2018-07-03 09:54:12


As List Manager use the Joomla core email function, we suggest to check Joomla email configuration. Also, you could open a private ticket at the helpdesk and share the url where we can see the list working.

Thanks, regards


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