List Manager Forum

Auto email when a date has passed

User liam.baker 2018-05-11 11:23:01


I have a list containing data for current service contracts in place. Is there a way to have an email sent to either myself or the customer letting them know the contract has ran out (date field has passed).


Moonsoft support 2018-05-11 13:43:12

there is no such option at the extension itself. For an automatic process you would need to create a cron process at your server that would run everyday, check the database and send the emails. From the extension what you can build is a view of 'expired contracts' so you can easily locate those specific records. For this purpouse you would need to use 'view' option of listmanager backend, and create a new view based on your main list with the filter

date field -> LESS THAN-> NOW()

You can publish this view only for admin for ex.

Hope this helps, regards


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