List Manager Forum

How download last version?

User moon_295 2012-02-27 12:06:36

Dear Moonsoft,

I would like know the last version for Listmanager, actualy I use version 0.0.3, this version is ready for Joomla 2.5.1?

I try to download directly the lastversion in your new website and I have error 404 "category not found"

Best regard.

Fred - France.

Moonsoft support 2012-02-27 12:22:10

although we'll prepare next version to ensure compatibility, version 0.0.3 it's already being used with joomla 2.5, and some users verify it works without issues. Please check this thread about same question

As soon as we check for ourselves all features working we'll claim compatibility for LM, in the meantime, if you want to install it (at your own risk) be sure of making some previous tests in order to check everything is working for your lists.

About the download, we'll check again your user account and get back to you, latest version 0.0.3 should be downloadable from your customer access.

Best regards

Moonsoft support 2012-02-27 13:18:45

Hi again,
you should try from the main customer access link:

your account is active and ready to enter private sections.

Best regards


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