List Manager Forum

Filter view with more than value in one field

User pfnuesu 2017-08-01 12:29:02

Hi there

It's me again. My lists keep growing and so do the requirements.

Can I add a data filter with more than one value for a specific field like: EQUALS 'LA' OR 'Ju'?


Moonsoft support 2017-08-01 16:43:23


Users can filter using 'checkbox multiple' autofilter in frontend, but couldn't be added as filter in view. If you are interested in a custom development, we could add this new filter. Please place a private ticket in helpdesk and we'll check it.


User pfnuesu 2017-08-01 17:07:38

Thanks, so I don't try any further.

Before opening an helpdesk-ticket, I try some walkaround spinning around in my head.


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