List Manager Forum

Time Out when i try to copy a list

User galbur 2017-05-11 17:49:46

I have some Problems when i try to copy a bigger list (about 2000 Adresses).
It stops with a server timeout. I made some changes in the php.ini with the Execution-Time (from 30 to 300 Sec.) but without success.
Somtimes i have blank page. When i refresh i can see the Copy of the List. But with a lot of missing data.

Thank you

Moonsoft support 2017-05-11 20:19:49

yes, some servers add restrictions to the time a process is allowed to execute. And sometimes they don't allow modifications even if you change php.ini. When you change to 300 seconds, you see the blank page after 300 or 30 secs?
Thanks, regards

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