List Manager Forum

pdf for further informations

User martinsai 2016-08-03 14:11:42

Hi Guys,


I want to insert in one table column an icon for pdf which should be linkable to further informations.
like it is on demo (Product list)


Moonsoft support 2016-08-03 15:34:34

you can insert any valid html inside your cells. You need to set that specific field type as 'html editor', and then fill its data with the required content, in our demo we inserted an image with a link to another page. Same as if you're working with a default article content.


User martinsai 2016-08-04 09:33:03

wonderful, thnx for your help, i got it and soved it.
One more question. If I want to import the datas via excell file. How can I import hundrets of pdf icons in my last column with the appropriate link? like shown on your demo "Product list"?
thnx and cheers

Moonsoft support 2016-08-04 11:44:20

you can import any content using csv. We assume the image is already uploaded at your server, so you need to fill the cell with an image tag and a different href link for each record. Just create each record html as you would do normally inside a default article, and upload it using the csv, you only need to check you don't use the same field separator/enclosure at your csv file than any character of the html. For ex, if you set

img src="yourimage.png"

using double quotes, you should set another field separator than the double quotes to avoid breaking the format.

Hope this helps,regards

User martinsai 2016-08-05 10:28:19

To make it clear for me: You mean that in the excell cells and column I have to wright for example

img src="images/img-1.jpg"; a href="images/sampledata/document-1.pdf" target="_blank"
(next cell below)
img src="images/img-2.jpg"; a href="images/sampledata/document-2.pdf" target="_blank"


Moonsoft support 2016-08-05 15:41:58

yes, you can include there any valid html you need, (but of course with the proper initial and end tags that the forum strips out).


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