List Manager Forum

Field access control when add new records

User tfuzessy 2016-02-07 01:12:50

Is there any possibilities to restrict editing some fields when a user add a new record to a list?

Moonsoft support 2016-02-07 14:13:25

you can set which fields are available to edit when adding a field, at the acl menu of your list. You must enable the 'add' permission, disable the 'edit' permission (which enables all fields at a time) and then select separatedly the fields you want to enable. This restriction will work both for adding new fields, or for edition of existing rows.

Hope this helps,regards

User tfuzessy 2016-02-08 15:35:16

Ok. In this case there is a bug: we set restrictions to edit some fields, and they works in edit mode (the appropriate fields are disabled), but doesn't work in add mode (all fields are editable).

Moonsoft support 2016-02-08 16:41:57


If you want to get the same behavior in edit and add mode, you should add at JOOMLA/components/com_listmanager/assets/js/listmanager.js, line 800:

case 'add':

to get:

case 'edit':
case 'add':

With this change, form will apply in 'add' the acl configured for 'edit'.



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