List Manager Forum

Sorting does not work

User franky466 2016-02-03 15:12:17

Sorting does not work in version 2.2.11. The first column of an address list I want to sort them alphabetically. In version 2.2.7 it worked.

Moonsoft support 2016-02-03 17:38:53

please note latest versions have a new field property called 'sortable' that enables/disables the sorting for specific columns. If this is not your problem, please give more details about your issue (which is the sorting that does not work, default sorting inside a list/view,front end user sorting?) so we can reproduce here.

Thanks, regards

User franky466 2016-02-04 11:09:59

I don't find the new field property called 'sortable' .

Please visit my testing-area

list is configured in the backend "sorted by Name - ascending"
You can change the order in the frontend.

But there is no alphabetical sorting possible

Moonsoft support 2016-02-04 16:56:11


Your're right, we've found that strange issue on some cases. Please download and upgrade to latest version.


User franky466 2016-02-04 19:54:27


you told me "..Please download and upgrade to latest version..."
i can not find the latest Version 2.2.12 in my account.
there is only the version 2.2.11 available

Edited by franky466 - 07.02.2016 16:06

Moonsoft support 2016-02-08 09:42:32


We've refreshed the page again, could your please test again.

Thanks. Regards,

User franky466 2016-02-08 10:00:24


Sorting now works. But behind the list will appear the following source-code:

"string(257) "select distinct(v.idrecord),(select v0.value from #__listmanager_values v0 where v0.idfield=24 and v0.idrecord=v.idrecord) as values0 from #__listmanager_field f left join #__listmanager_values v on where f.idlisting=1 order by values0 asc"

Pleased look again ......

Moonsoft support 2016-02-08 10:13:14


We've left a log test at code, please download again.


User franky466 2016-02-08 11:27:22

i downloaded and installed again, but nothing happens....

Moonsoft support 2016-02-08 12:07:11


We have it working here. Please place a ticket in helpdesk with url, user/pass and we'll take a look.


User franky466 2016-02-08 17:12:13


i placed a Ticket

Moonsoft support 2016-02-22 14:20:47

Hi Dev,

sorting works with the new version but only with whole numbers according to my test. ie 1, 2, 3.

it does not work well with decimals and percentages on my list ie 2.40%, 2.30%.

i wonder if you can reproduce it on your site.

Thanks alot

Moonsoft support 2016-02-22 17:32:32

the sorting can be of type 'numeric', so it will work with whole and decimal numbers, and 'text'. When you place a field content like 2.40% we assume you have defined the field as 'text' so the sorting will be in alphabetical order. Please try configuring the field as 'numeric' and launching again the sorting function.


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