List Manager Forum

French translation

User Lénique 2016-01-25 16:16:14


I want to know if there is a French translation list manager.
If not, what files need to be modified for this operation.

Sorry for my english, but google reflecting :-)

Thank you, regards

Moonsoft support 2016-01-25 17:13:08

you may find a French translation at your customer area 'view previous releases', but if it belongs to very old version you will find some terms missing. If you want to create your own language files, here are the instructions to create a new translation ,only replacing es-ES for Spanish for your own language code fr-FR

Hope this helps, regards

User Lénique 2016-01-26 09:29:27


Thank you , I start to work.

I have two other questions:
1 - How definier size pop-up that opens here

2 - How to provide the ability to print the contents of that pop-up ?


Moonsoft support 2016-01-26 12:29:36


1 - You can define the size of the inner content in 'Detail layout'. Add a div containin all your HTML and set width as style property.

2 - This can be set as option in menu/module config: List Manager View Options=>Show Print on detail


User Lénique 2016-01-27 09:05:57


I set to Work, again. ;-)


User Lénique 2016-02-03 13:57:44


Me again :-),

I made a French translation, the administrator side, but I can not find the files to edit to translate this page( "Filter" - "Show filter" "Aplly ..." who are buttons, a track ?

thank a lot

Moonsoft support 2016-02-03 15:42:04

those texts are located at the front end files,


en-GB.com_listmanager.ini (if you're publishing your list as as component)
en-GB.mod_listmanager.ini (if you're publishing your list as as module)

Hope this helps, regards

User Lénique 2016-02-03 16:33:40

Thanks, i found

User Lénique 2016-02-11 13:29:18


I solved with your help, my problem of translation, now I have this page unconserved displaying two buttons: Cancel and Save.

How do I do, so they are not visible?

Thank you

Moonsoft support 2016-02-11 13:41:48

those buttons seem to be the ones belonging to the input form. As you have configured your list as readonly so the input form is not visible, you can try to hide the toolbar with this setting:

Configuration->Front view config->Show Form in modal box?=YES


User Lénique 2016-02-15 11:47:56


Thank you for your speed, I did what you were advocating.
But my problem is the same.
I enabled in Joomla, "rewriting the flight urls," and that the two buttons are present and when a print attempt the contents of a recording, the recording is displayed full screen.

If I disable "rewriting the theft of ursl", only the contents of the recording will appear when printed ..

big concern

User Lénique 2016-02-15 11:48:21

Moonsoft support 2016-02-15 13:31:48

sorry but we'ver not understood which is exactly the issue. We've visited your site, and we can see the records (now without the form buttons, which is ok). Then we select the 'view record', the popup is also ok, and when pressed 'print' the printed content is the record content, which is the function expected. Could you please provide more details about the exact problem you have with this configuration?

Thanks, regards

User Lénique 2016-02-15 14:45:46

At the present, we have this :


And this, after a print :


We would like to have this :


It means the same, without the two buttons: Annuler (Cancel) and Sauvegarder (Save).

We tried :
Configuration->Front view config->Show Form in modal box?=YES & NON,
But nothing change.

Would'it be possible to send you the images (or a .doc or .pdf) by e-mail et recieve your answer at this adress :


Moonsoft support 2016-02-15 19:02:56


Ok, looking at your page seems like you have published at the same page another module with the input form. This is not needed when the list is at the same page. Please try to disable the module 'List Manager form', and try again the page. If you can't get it working and you want to share either docs or images or an acces to your site, you can create a private ticket at your helpdesk.


User Lénique 2016-02-17 14:02:44


I just send un ticket


User Lénique 2016-03-14 14:45:32


Always the same problem...

No list is published, but link
displays a table.
If I publish a list, I have two displays, the list and the empty table.

Help me.


User Lénique 2016-03-14 14:52:12


User Lénique 2016-03-14 15:37:22

it seems that the problem is resolved, if not the top line and the white space above

string(128) "select distinct(v.idrecord) from #__listmanager_field f left join #__listmanager_values v on where f.idlisting=1"

Moonsoft support 2016-03-14 16:58:05

that log line you can see at the bottom was incorrectly added to an older version, but if you download latest version 2.1.12 and upgrade you shouldn't see any info message there. Not sure what do you mean with the top line and white space, you can share an access using a private ticket of the helpdesk if you have further issues after the upgrade.


User Lénique 2016-03-14 17:20:02

thank you,

I have already installed this version.

There on this page, two displays, the title, "offer of the Local Mission of Paris services" as if there avit two modiules who published simultaneously.

One for the link and another for the module, the two did not appear "linked"


User Lénique 2016-03-14 17:21:56

ici, c'est ok

et ici, non

l'installation, la version, l'hebergeur sont identiques
je ne comprends pas

User Lénique 2016-03-14 17:22:11

here is ok

and here not

installation, version, the hoster are identical
I do not understand

Moonsoft support 2016-03-14 17:28:33

at this site

you have this translation at the language file:

LM_EDIT_TOOLTIP=Modifier le contenu de l'enregistrement

Please remove the single quote ' and try again, this symbol is causing a js error at that site

LM_EDIT_TOOLTIP=Modifier le contenu de l`enregistrement

should be valid

We still see the log message below the table, this is not present at the latest version of the extension, so maybe the upgrade didn't worked for you, if you have any problem with the upgrade you can share an access and we'll do it for you.


User Lénique 2016-03-15 09:00:31


Je viens d'installer la nouvelle version, la ligne de code a disparue, mais mon problème de double affichage reste présent, j'ai deux fois "Offre de services de la Mission Locale de Paris.

tout le reste est ok


User Lénique 2016-03-15 09:00:53


I just installed the new version, the line of code has disappeared, but my dual problem remains far I have twice "service offer of the Local Mission of Paris.

everything is ok

Thank you

Moonsoft support 2016-03-15 10:09:58

we still see the single quote at your translation file, so you have a js error at that page, we copy again the solution we gave above:

at this site

you have this translation at the language file:

LM_EDIT_TOOLTIP=Modifier le contenu de l'enregistrement

Please remove the single quote ' and try again, this symbol is causing a js error at that site

LM_EDIT_TOOLTIP=Modifier le contenu de l`enregistrement

should be valid

It seems you also have a duplicated module published at that page, in order to hide the top module go to your joomla->modules, and unpublish/remove the one you have placed at the top.


User Lénique 2016-03-16 10:13:16


Tout est ok, merci pour votre aide.

User Lénique 2016-03-16 10:13:32


Everything is ok, thank you for your help.

User Lénique 2016-03-29 14:23:07


In when we insert a link (via insert hyperlink) we would like this link to be opened in a new window (_blank)


Moonsoft support 2016-03-29 19:03:19

in order to set such kind of link you must enter the link as you do normally, and then switch the editor clicking the icon 'show source' (the last one of the toolbar), you will see your a href link code:

a href=""

there you can add the target property:

a href="" target="_blank"

and switch the editor back with the same icon.

Hope this helps, regards

User Lénique 2016-04-15 11:25:41

Thank you, it helps me out well

But when I filled my form and I backup, recording is done, but the data I have entered do not fade, I must erase the louse can re-enter.

A solution :-) ?

Thanks, have a good day

Moonsoft support 2016-04-15 16:09:29

please upgrade to newest version 2.2.16 and try again, an auto-reset has been added to the form view, and also a manual reset button instead of the default 'cancel' that was being inherited from default form+ list view.


User Lénique 2016-06-30 11:27:20


It's a real pleasure working stroke this extension, however, on my page : , I can not find the meoyen not to bring up the icon for editing and thus "change the content of the record."

To be clear, I want to remove this icon.

Very good day

Edited by Lénique - 30.06.2016 11:27

User Lénique 2016-06-30 12:08:51

I found...

User Lénique 2016-06-30 12:27:19

I found, but suddenly i can not delete records.... because the icone removal no longer appears either

Moonsoft support 2016-06-30 13:02:35

the icons and options you can see to manage your records depend on the configuration you apply to the table. There are different levels of permissions.
If you go to your module/component configuration and set the parameter
Allow changes=NO, then you are restricting all management of the records (edit, add & delete).

If you want to apply different permissions, then you should set this parameter to YES, and configure your details at your list 'Configure access control' option. There you can choose separatedly for each joomla group if you will allow edit and/or delete and/or add options.

Hope this helps, regards

User Lénique 2016-06-30 14:29:04

OK! but I do not have a choice when configuring the module is YES and in 'Configure access control 'I do nothing defined, default icon "EDIT" appears

Edited by Lénique - 30.06.2016 14:30

Moonsoft support 2016-07-01 11:15:50

in fact there is nothing else needed, if you disable permissions at the access control then the icons should not appear for the selected groups. Please ensure you have saved at least once the page of the permissions and that you see them saved properly when you come back. If it still doesn't work, please place a private ticket at the helpdesk sharing an access and we'll take a look at your configuration.


User Lénique 2016-07-19 09:29:10


In my job listings, there is a "hidden" field that is not visble by persons who is also logged. This field is not visible to the public who consults the offers.

But if in my config configuration Front view: I activate Show detail you click Row, then all my fields, even the one I want only to book Logues, apparraissent.

How to do?

Thank you
Have a good day

Moonsoft support 2016-07-19 23:08:18


If you want to hide some fields from detail layout, just edit the HTML code at 'Detail Layout' and leave only fields you want. Remember that fields has the ##FIELD_INTERNAL_NAME## format.


User Lénique 2016-07-20 10:44:54

thank you,

I can do this, but what I want is that only registered users can have access to the fields "hidden" ...


Moonsoft support 2016-07-21 07:42:16

ok, there is no setting to configure different detail views per joomla group, sorry. You'd need a custom version adding specific permissions to the fields included at the detail view for that purpouse. If you're interested in getting a quote you can place a ticket at the helpdesk and we'll get back to you with our approach.

Thanks, regards


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