List Manager Forum

Exporting memberlist to excel

User Britt 2015-12-04 13:38:41

I have a problem when exporting memberlist to excel.
I have multiple option (list) 3 places.
But when exporting list to excel i just get numbers on the places where the it should appear data.

I have a multiple choice for choosing Student or Doctor.
I added 2 actions with:
Name: Student
Value: Student
... and the same for field Doctor.
When i export the list to excel i just see nubmers instead of the choosed fielddata.
Where do i go wrong?

Also: Is it possible during export to excel to see the field name as titels in excel ? (Surname, name, email...etc)

Hope for quick respond...!

Moonsoft support 2015-12-04 18:26:52


We try to reproduce issue here, but seems to be working, multiple option (check and list) show the name of the option/s selected and, in export files, we see the name of the fields in first row as title.

Please follow issue on the ticket #968.


Moonsoft support 2015-12-15 17:56:33

It seems I have the same problem but only when exporting data from the back-end: I have an option list field (it has 2 possible values: Yes and No). When exporting the data, instead of yes I see "6" and instead of No - "5"

Edited by moon_2372 - 15.12.2015 17:59

Moonsoft support 2015-12-15 18:14:35


Please ensure that you have the latest version installed on your site. If issue continue, please place a ticket at helpdesk sharing an url and credentials and we'll take a look.


Moonsoft support 2015-12-16 15:23:16

Installed v2.2.6 and the problem is present now only in a list where I have an user type field.

Instead of the username I see values like 555, 556 ... when exporting the list to .CSV

Moonsoft support 2015-12-16 18:41:57


This was an export in order to use as import in older versions, that's why it include id instead of name. Please download latest version 2.2.7, you should see the user name instead of id.


Moonsoft support 2015-12-16 20:02:19

Everything solved now!

Edited by moon_2372 - 16.12.2015 22:06


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