List Manager Forum

AutoIncrement inconsistent in Frontend/Backend

User Charly2015 2015-11-30 18:30:52

Hi guys,

I have an AutoIncrement number in my listing (using LM 2.2.4).

When entering new data in Frontend: incremented number appears
When editing data in Frontend: number stays the same as before (good!)

When entering new data in Backend: incremented number appears
When editing existing data in Backend: number disappears (field empty)

This means, as an Admin I cannot modify this table in the backend without destroying the autoincrement number.

Any ideas?


Moonsoft support 2015-12-01 12:01:29


This is a bug solved in 2.2.5 version. Please access to your customer area, download latest version and upgrade your component.

Please test it and send us your feedback.


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