List Manager Forum

Nothing shows up in the list

User auscoinc 2015-08-24 22:52:08


I installed List Manager on Joomla 2.5.3. I gave it a name, description and added 3 fields.Each field has an internal name (no spaces or weird characters). Each field is required. I added a key field. I created a view and added each field and made sure "Visible" is checked. There are no filters. The Display View has three fields. The form layout screen and detail layout settings are all identical. I went into Manage data and added some records manually.

On the configuration: List table. Under Show/Hide, everything is Yes.

I created a menu item that goes to a page that uses this list. Nothing appears. Nothing is searchable.

**This is not a public site, so I can't give you unattended access.**

Please help, I feel like this should be so simple. Thanks!

Moonsoft support 2015-08-25 09:27:39

ok, then please follow these steps, try again to show the frontend with each one and let us know the result for each case, hopefully will allow us to identify the origin of the issue.

- Go to your list backend->acl configuration and save the permissions at least once.

- Change for a while the template, or load the list manager page adding


parameter to the url

- Display the browser console (usually F12) and reload the page, let us know if you can see any script error showing in red.

- Switch the error reporting of your joomla to maximum

Site-Global configuration-Server-error reporting->maximum

and copy here any error message you can see at the page

We look forward your comments


User auscoinc 2015-08-31 23:16:36

Thank you for the response. I have tried each of the steps above. THe only thing that gave a result is after turning on maximum logging. Here is the error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method JSession::checkToken() in C:\Webs\intranet\components\com_listmanager\controllers\serverpages.php on line 33

I hope this will help find a solution, thanks.

Moonsoft support 2015-09-01 09:42:03

yes, it's clear thank you. The problem comes with a Joomla core function, that changed sintax from your version 2.5.3 to the next 2.5.4. You should see it working at the time you upgrade your joomla to another version . Please note joomla 2.5 end of life and its official support was last year:!_CMS_versions

so we'd suggest to use a J3 version, although list manager latest version will work on any version later than 2.5.3


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