List Manager Forum

Customising email button on bottom toolbar of view

User nicknafplio 2015-07-17 14:07:59

Hi there,

Is it possible to assist me in changing the text on the button that emails records?

I've tried editing the entry - LM_SEND_EMAIL="Email list to" in the language file 'en-GB.com_listmanager.ini', but have had no success.

Also is it possible to pre-populate the email field, as I need to have a voluntary (user activated) notification to admins.

Many thanks in advance!


Moonsoft support 2015-07-18 09:28:31


To change language texts, you may need to change 'en-GB.mod_listmanager.ini' in case you're publishing the list as a module. Please double check the path (JOOMLA/language) of the language files.

To get a prepopulated email field, you can add a value directly in input field in JOOMLA/modules/mod_listmanager/tmpl/bottomtools.php (line 55) like this:

Hope this helps. Regards,

User nicknafplio 2015-07-20 12:03:33

Many thanks for this really helpful.

...input field in JOOMLA/modules/mod_listmanager/tmpl/bottomtools.php (line 55) like this:

Hope this helps. Regards,

However, do you mind do you mind filling in the example that's been left out after 'like this:'?

Also, I guess this the file bottomtools.php can live in a template override? Can you confirm this?

Again, many thanks for the informative reply!


Moonsoft support 2015-07-20 16:04:38


Sorry, code example is as simple as set a value="YOUR CUSTOM VALUE" in input tag in that line.

Template override is a joomla feature not related with components. If components follows Joomla MVC (all our components do), you can use template override. If you have any problem using this feature, please place a ticket at helpdesk with url and we'll take a look.


User nicknafplio 2015-07-22 15:27:17

Awesome, this helped me out!

Will try template override and follow your instructions.

thanks again!!

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