List Manager Forum

how to hide the show and show all

User moon_1910 2015-05-23 05:40:31

How to hide the show and show all button from the public, i can't see any options on the module or access rights, i wanted the top button for pagination only available for the public.

Moonsoft support 2015-05-23 08:42:13

there is an option to show/hide the entire top toolbar, you will find it at your list preferences, but not for hide/show individual options. You would have to add your custom css to hide the parts that you don't want to show. These changes would not be user dependant, though, the css will apply to every user visiting the page.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1910 2015-05-24 04:53:29

i'm not familiar your css, can atleast give an example to hide the show and show all button.

Moonsoft support 2015-05-25 09:15:35

css is standard, is not 'ours' :)
If you want to customize any css, you must have an average knowledge of css sintax, and also the ability of explore the page contents to find out the elements/classes you need to customize (using F12 tools of your navigator, for ex). If you also need to hide some elements depending on the user group accesing the page, you would also need a php programmer, as you would also need to customize the front-end view file of the module. All our extensions follow standard joomla mvc so all layers can be easily located.

Individual hide/show parameters of the elements of the toolbar is a feature already asked in the past, so it will surely appear for future versions of the extension. In the meantime, you can try this css

#lm_wrapper ul.nav.row li:nth-child(2) {


or visibility hidden, this will hide the second part of the toolbar, and it will fix this behaviour for every user, please contact again in case you need us to build a custom version including dependant groups or any other feature.

Hope this helps regards

User moon_1910 2015-06-05 06:29:34


it worked but it made the pagination button to display vertically then i applied this at the css:

#lm_wrapper .nav > li {width: 100%;}

the pagination now display horizontal but the filter buttons are now displayed vertically. how do i correct the filter buttons to display horizontaly.?

Moonsoft support 2015-06-05 09:20:18


You can also use css to get it as your needs. If you need css support in your site, you can get support hours at:


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