List Manager Forum

Error by add data

User mvk 2012-01-12 14:23:17


I installed list manager on my joomla site Versie 1.7.3.
Installation of component plugin and module works fine.

I can make a list, but on the frond end i can add data (rights and settings in menu are good)

When i want to add data in the back-end i get a lot of errors.

What could this be ?

See this link for a print screen of the errors



Moonsoft support 2012-01-12 14:56:27

what your system is showing is a set of 'warnings' or notices, they are not errors, but they are somehow showing different and maybe stopping execution on your site. Please check the following: Go to Site->Global Configuration->Server
and try to change Error Reporting parameter to 'System default' for a while and try again the page to admin data.

If the notices dissapear and you still want to change error reporting to your custom value, please let us know, we could send you a fix to see the page without any notice at back-end.

Hope this helps, best regards
Moonsoft Team

User mvk 2012-01-12 15:09:51


Thanks for the solution.
My settings already was on system defauld, now i have disable error reporting, and it works fine.

I fix should be gread because now i have to disable my error reporting.

p.s. great tool!



User mvk 2012-01-12 15:09:53


Thanks for the solution.
My settings already was on system defauld, now i have disable error reporting, and it works fine.

I fix should be gread because now i have to disable my error reporting.

p.s. great tool!



Moonsoft support 2012-01-12 15:20:50

ok, please check your email, we attached the fix and the path to copy the file.

Best regards
Moonsoft Team


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