List Manager Forum

Custom Filter Developement

User artifyuniverse 2015-02-19 21:53:38

Hello !

I want to create a custom filter function.

I put the code below to components/com_listmanager/models/customserverpages_fl.php which works pretty fine this way.

So now I need to search within the same ID (column) for more than one value.
In other words I need a function which does a search for $valuecustom="xxx" or $valuecustom="yyy" or $valuecustom="zzz"

2.) What pretty ways are there to use the search value from $_GET
--> $valuecustom=$_GET;
Or do you know another easy way to put some parameters to this script?

Thanks a lot for your help!

//this means the filter is 'equal' to your value
$query=$this->_buildQuerySelectRecordsApplyFilterView($id, $idfieldcustom, $valuecustom, $typecustom);

Moonsoft support 2015-02-20 09:49:04


1) This kind of search can't be done with current structure, a new filter type is needed. If you're interested, please place a ticket in helpdesk and we'll give you a quote and delivery time for custom development.

2) Search parameter is part of filter parameter. Filter parameter is a json array of filters objects, so you can't handle it directly as you state above. If you want to add a new condition please add it as well as a ticket for custom changes.


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