List Manager Forum

detail view not working

User moon_1910 2015-01-25 10:22:52

you can check at http:\\
i have check and uncheck the configure at access control... still not working...

Moonsoft support 2015-01-25 11:14:40


Detail is working in your site, but you have some other layers above so it's hidden by them.
You can force the detail to show on top just adding this style:

.ui-widget-content{z-index:10000 !important;}

for example at


User moon_1910 2015-01-26 00:19:33

it looks great.. but my top list is somehow maybe hidden too.. its not showing up...

User moon_1910 2015-01-26 01:07:55

it worked edy.. i had played around with the module access privilege... but how come the pdf detail are plain when downloaded...

Moonsoft support 2015-01-26 09:44:30


We checked your site and detail pdf it's working. You can configure this pdf in your backend using HTML Editor.


User moon_1910 2015-01-26 13:48:50

the html seems to only work at the export email function when you click the download individual record.. it displays plain in the pdf... how can we design the pdf? like add background or some additional information... etc etc

Moonsoft support 2015-01-27 09:12:05


Detail PDF is only for individual records. There is no backend option to 'style' full list. If you want to change the full list export, this is the pdf generator file: JOOMLA/components/com_listmanager/views/serverpages/tmpl/pdf.php



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