List Manager Forum

How to import big files with CSV?

User moon_1836 2014-10-13 15:01:03


I just bought this component but I am unable to import big files by using the CSV-import.
I have created a file, but when I try to import it I don't understand how it works.
I bought this component because of a client who has a file with 15.000 articles (!) which he wants to import in 1 motion. Not by copying every single rule at a time.

How can I import big files by using this component?
Do you have an example of how the file should look like?

Question 2: Where can I create a simular lay-out as you have used in the view with countries? E.g. that you can put the details in a button at the end of a row? And then, by clicking on the icon, you get a pop-up? It doesn't work with me.

Looking forward to you answers.

I am using Joomla! 3.3.6



Moonsoft support 2014-10-13 21:09:57

list manager doesn't have restrictions about the file size, but you may be facing any server restriction from your hosting, can be about max post size, memory limits...that can be preventing you to process the contents on a single call. We suggest to split the file in 2/3 pieces, and try to load in a couple of steps.
The format of the file is a simple csv, you need to create your fields/columns previously at the backend, and then paste your csv in order to load, following same fields order and using the separators shown.

About your second question, you first create a detail layout, where you can use free contents and the fields values using same sintax you use for the input form( ##field## ). Then you can enable this option at the acl configuration for the user groups that you want to have this button enabled.

Please let us know if you need further help with these issues.

Thanks, regards

User moon_1836 2014-10-17 17:39:05

Thanks for your reply, everything works now.


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