List Manager Forum

Paging without history ?

User moon_1625 2014-09-13 15:56:18

Dear Team
As my customer test one of the list which I provide for him, he finds out that is not possible, if he creates an entry ,let say , on the page 3 from 10 , and when he clicks on the refresh fron browser he is landing on the fist page, he find out that the function of paging has not have a memory function, is it right, or is it a configuration issue, i didnt find something to configure on the backend ?
Thank you for your support in advance
kindly Regards,
Ayhan Yilmaz

Edited by moon_1625 - 14.09.2014 18:35

Moonsoft support 2014-09-15 09:07:21


When user adds a record, list is refreshed automatically, there's no need to refresh page. If you refresh page, component shows first page on list, doesn't have 'memory' function.


User moon_1625 2014-09-15 12:54:42

Dear Team,
is it possible buiid-in a memory function ?

Ayhan Yilmaz

Moonsoft support 2014-09-15 20:00:55


Yes, it's possible to develop a custom component with this features. Please, send us an email to with your specifications and we'll send you a quote and delivery time.


User moon_1625 2014-09-16 20:54:25

Dear Team,

I will send you sonn a collected requirements from all of the issues, that we have
Ayhan Yilmaz

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