List Manager Forum

Search plugin buggy ?

User moon_1262 2014-07-11 17:31:53


With List Manager Search Plugin enabled, I get strange results for every search I perform within Joomla Search:
The first three results are LM lists not related in any way with the search terms entered. Furthermore, those results are not clickable.

If I disable LM Search plugin, my results get back to normal.

Joomla 3.3.1
LM 2.0.7
LM search plugin 1.2.9 (tried to find a more recent version with no success)


Edited by moon_1262 - 11.07.2014 17:32

Moonsoft support 2014-07-14 09:11:54


Search results are related to lists text content. Search results will display a list of LM lists (marked as 'searchable') where it could find any content matching your search query.
List should be marked as 'searchable' in module/component configuration. Also, set 'Search link' in order to get a link to your list (or any other web page). If LM search results are not clickale, maybe you should check 'Search Link'.


User moon_1262 2014-07-15 16:50:58


Thanks, and sorry, I was buggy, not List Manager, I did not look in the right place trying to configure from within ListManager rather than from Menu Items.
Anyway, I stumbled upon another problem trying different options for 'Search link' : Error 1504. It appears anytime I make searchable any of my lists even if the search link is empty... Any ideas ?


Edited by moon_1262 - 15.07.2014 16:51

Moonsoft support 2014-07-16 09:08:08


We couldn't reproduce here your problem. Please place a ticket in helpdesk adding logs and any other information in order to reproduce here. Also you could add URL of your site to take a look at.


User moon_1262 2017-04-20 18:19:46


I'm resurrecting this old thread of mine because my client is specifically asking that search should return LM results… But whenever I enable the search plugin for LM, I get the same old 1504 error stating that :

1054 - Unknown column 'f.defvalue' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT,v.idfield,v.value,v.idrecord,f.type,f.decimal,f.order,f.size,,f.visible,, f.autofilter,f.defvalue FROM #__listmanager_values v,#__listmanager_field f where and idlisting=11

I verified that my lists are indeed searchable and I filled the Search Link value but still the same error.

Joomla 3.6.5
LM 2.3.14

Please advise,


Moonsoft support 2017-04-22 12:50:28

we've checked the plugin needed some update to deal with search inside table views. Just upgrade to the latest version and try again the search, you should get rid of that message, please let us know otherwise.

Thanks, regards

User moon_1262 2017-04-24 10:15:49

OK. Thanks. The latest version gets rid of the error but I get absolutely no result for ListManager category if I try a broad search although I do get results for the same search in LM search module…


Moonsoft support 2017-04-25 09:01:30

we've been making further tests here and we have the plugin working properly. Please open a new private ticket and share an access to your site there, so we can check your configuration and debug the search and we'll let you know how to solve.

Thanks, regards


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