List Manager Forum

We need a field for klickable URL

User moon_1693 2014-06-25 10:39:12

Hi there,

we need a field where you can just put in an url and if you klick on it it opens up in a new window. i have not found a way to do that easily. The people who are using the LM are not IT guys at all.

Have you ideas how to do it or have i missed something?

Moonsoft support 2014-06-25 16:27:40

table cells allow html content, so you can include links or any other valid html code using a simple text field where you can place your link:


, or, set the field as 'html', so you will have available your default joomla editor with helpers to include content (links, images) same way you do for your articles and other contents of your site.

Hope this helps, regards

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