List Manager Forum

Error message when adding a field

User moon_1575 2014-04-22 12:36:08


Whenever I add a new item to my listing I get this error message.
Notice: Undefined variable: field in /volume1/web/joomla/administrator/components/com_listmanager/models/listing.php on line 874

I have looked at the code which is below but I can not work out what to do to correct, any ideas? I can still add items though.

} elseif ($field=='19' && $isNew){ //Autoincrement

Moonsoft support 2014-04-22 16:17:35


This is not an error message, is a Notice message. You shouldn´t see this kind of messages on a production site. Adjust error level to Simple or None at System->Global Configuration->Server->Error Reporting.

If you want to solved it in code just change in line 874:

} elseif ($field=='19' && $isNew){ //Autoincrement


} elseif ($fld=='19' && $isNew){ //Autoincrement



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