List Manager Forum

Filter Module - No Module Class Suffix?

User moon_1540 2014-04-15 04:04:00

In the Advanced Tab of Joomla Module Settings, I'm used to seeing a Module Class Suffix.

In the LM Filter Module I'm not seeing this. There's something called 'Root Class' in the Basic tab but that doesn't seem to affect the module like the standard Module Class Suffix does.

I use a RocketTheme template on Joomla 3.2 and am trying to add module styling that they have in their CSS: "nomarginall nopaddingtop nopaddingbottom" - It works fine in modules using with Module Class Suffix - but doesn't seem to have any affect using the 'Root Class' provided in LM Filter Module.

Is there a reason why the 'Module Class Suffix' option isn't available on the LM module?


Moonsoft support 2014-04-15 09:17:36

there is no 'class suffix' at LM modules (it was removed after the first releases of the extension as soon as user dynamic content was allowed for the forms, as we found it confused users). You have instead the root class if you need to set a specific class to the module, if you add any class name to it, you will get this structure:

module content

So you can apply any style needed to the whole module using the div container.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1540 2014-04-15 15:52:08

Understood. Thanks

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