List Manager Forum

CSS help to hide Search Box on the top Navigation menu...

User moon_1540 2014-04-11 23:43:45

I'm using the excellent Filter module to give my users their filter options all in one place and I'd like to remove the 'search box' that appears on the navigation bar above ListManager results.

You'll already helped me hide the 'Show #' box on that bar with some CSS - and I tried to follow the same kind of idea to hide the 'Search' box using the below... It almost works BUT it messes up the display of the vital page navigation. Can you help me with the right way to hide the search box, but keep the navigation box intact?

Also - Maybe in future version these hide / show options on the Navigation bar could be configurable - like they are I think now on the export bar? Thanks!

/* Hide the Show All Records on ListManager */
#lm_tool #lm-navbar-collapse li:nth-child(1) div{

Moonsoft support 2014-04-13 14:32:56

yes, it could be added as a parameter, now there is configuration to hide/show all the toolbar, not only the search section, we'll add your suggestion to our list to check if it can be added for future releases. In the meantime:

If you use display:none , you hide the element and remove it from the layout.
You can try visibility:hidden instead, in order to hide the element but preserving its space at the layout. This can help to keep positions of the other elements.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1540 2014-04-13 19:27:59

Yes - visibility:hidden works perfectly as a 'Plan B' - Thanks for the guidance! All good now.

User moon_1540 2014-04-13 19:27:59

Yes - visibility:hidden works perfectly as a 'Plan B' - Thanks for the guidance! All good now.

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