List Manager Forum

Filter Module - Can a single instance of it work on all LM views?

User moon_1540 2014-04-07 05:24:39

Question from a new starter!..

I LOVE the look of the filter module and much prefer it to the standard filters on the List Manager views... so I'm hoping to use the module on all my ListManager pages and deactivate the default component filter.

Have I understood it right though - unless you select a specific List Manager table in the module settings the filter won't show up.... I was hoping that it would work out what page it was set to show on and simply work based on the filter settings of that page....

Have I understood that right? If so, is it possible to develop the module to be 'intelligent' to whatever List Manager page it is set to show on?


Moonsoft support 2014-04-07 11:30:28


List Manager filter module needs List/view to be setting in configuration because you could view one or more lists in one page (adding them to article as LM module). It´s possible to develop a custom module for you, but the only limit is that only one list should be shown in a page. If you´re interested, please send an email to and we´ll send you a quote for this change.


User moon_1540 2014-04-07 15:41:48

Great. Understood. I'll continue work on setting up my site with the fabulous List Manager and might contact you in the near future regarding a custom development for this then if it turns out that I do need it.

Many Thanks!

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