List Manager Forum

Display List only for certain category

User moon_894 2014-04-03 10:53:02


I have a list to display staff directory. And I have menu to display all my staf..

How can I display only for certain division to show-up? For example when i'm in ICT page, the module only show's ICT's staf.. And so on...


Moonsoft support 2014-04-03 11:01:57

you can create sub-sets of your data using the 'view' feature. You can create several views of the main table, each one with certain filters applied,for ex:
view1= list where field category=1
view2= list where field category=2

and then you can link your menu pages to the proper view, where you will access filtered data according to configured conditions.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_894 2014-04-04 03:51:38


Thanks, it works...

1 more question, continue to above question.. can i make different type of show type for every filtered view?

example :-

1) I have menu that LM display all my staf directory in List Table show type
2) other menu that LM display the filtered list view (exp: ICT directory) in Card / shop show type


Moonsoft support 2014-04-04 09:14:43


This is not possible, 'Show type' is a list configuration and applies to list and views of this list. So List and its views show using list 'show type'.


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