List Manager Forum

jQuery and mootools

User moon_682 2013-12-05 06:24:16

Does ListManager use Mootools?

We are struggling more with Mootools and jQuery conflicts, so I an trying a plug-in to turn Mootools off. ListManager stopped showing lists so I think it must use Mootools?


Moonsoft support 2013-12-05 09:18:28


List Manager uses mootools as its part of Joomla core. If you use jQuery in other component/modules you should use noConflict function. Check this sites:


User moon_682 2013-12-12 06:08:21

Thank you! I was able to add a mootools-disable module to disable mootools by Article, so I can keep mootools enabled on articles containing List Manager lists. All is working fine.

Moonsoft support 2013-12-12 10:03:41

Great, thanks for sharing.



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