List Manager Forum

examples to download

User moon_1283 2013-10-18 07:57:45

Please can you give me some examples from List Manager Support.

I tried now for hours but can not update or add records in the frontend.

I created a simple table with name address and mail but during creation I already get errors when I try to save a field.

After that when I look I see the page on my frontpage with the data but can not update the field or add a new name

Please can you sent me a document or a zip file how to fill in the fields of the table.

Nice would be an example of a club with name category mail address and how to combine the joomla user database with this club database.

warm regards,


Moonsoft support 2013-10-18 09:33:48

you have available a step by step guide that you can download here:

In order to create a list, the simple steps you should follow:

1. Create the list with the fields. If you have errors here, we suggest to let us know which messages/errors are you getting before going forward, maybe they are causing issues to your list.

2. Create the input form/detail form layouts.

3. Give permissions to use list controls at the ACL option.

Not sure of what do you need when you say 'combine joomla user database'. Working with users, you have a field type 'user' that will store automatically the user who added the record, in order to give special access for each owner record afterwards. Also you have a sql query that you can type(not only refered to joomla users, but to any other database table) that will be used to fill a multioption combo list.

If you can't get it to work, please explain the steps you have followed and any error you may have and we'll help you with the config.

Best regards


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