List Manager Forum

Detail View no items

User moon_1280 2013-10-16 15:12:22

In detail layout I create the view:

But when I control it on the frontend I see only:




The values are empty...
Can anyone help?

Best regards

Moonsoft support 2013-10-16 15:52:36

We'd suggest to double check you didn't misspelled the names of the fields, and that you're using the internal name of the fields, not the name of the columns. If that's ok, then try to find if you have some style applying that could hide through css the section where data should be shown, like a white font-color, for ex. If you share a url here or privately using helpdesk we'll take a look to your site and let you know what we can find out.

Best regards

User moon_1280 2013-10-16 16:11:23

Here is the url:

Enter in the search field "Nach Namen suchen": Berisha

I used the internal names. Everything seems to be alright. No white fonts on white background...

Edited by moon_1280 - 16.10.2013 16:40

Moonsoft support 2013-10-16 17:11:01

we've debug on your site, the detail view configuration seems ok, but we can see no data returned as 'internal name' of any of the fields. We are not able to reproduce here, though. If you place a ticket at the helpdesk with your backend access we'll check also what could be preventing the internal name to be stored/sent to the front side.

Thank you, best regards

User moon_1280 2013-10-16 18:00:54

Thx. I will do it.


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