List Manager Forum

Multiple Tables all search enable only one showing with results

User moon_1228 2013-09-27 15:36:51

Hi, everybody.

Here is what i am looking for one an instructual video on how to use this List manager..

two here is the situation i have i need to be able to add on the back end several table and be able to see only one list on the front end.. like a master list.

thanks for the help..

Moonsoft support 2013-09-28 09:41:43

if you need to show only one list at the front-end, then you must create only one list at your backend. You can create different views from one backend list (filtering by columns, create several admin rights for joomla groups....), but you can't join several lists on one single view. You can publish several lists on the same page, though, using the module view, and use the search plugin that will apply to every list present on the page.


User moon_1228 2013-09-30 16:13:17

Okay.. is there a way to not load anything until the person actually type up a search..? because than i can make one list in the back it would be giagantic but thats alright.. if the customer would only have to load thier part..

Moonsoft support 2013-09-30 18:51:51

Yes, if you access option 'Configuration'->'Front view config', of your list, you will find this option to enable:

Hide records on first load?

Save it to 'YES' in order to hide all records until the search is performed.


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