List Manager Forum

apostrophes in field names

User moon_1262 2013-09-26 16:32:48


I noticed that apostrophes in field names prevent corresponding fields to appear in Form. For example, with the field name 'Maître d'ouvrage' I will get ##Maître d'ouvrage## in the form instead of a fillable text field.
Unfortunately there is a heavy use of apostrophes in french and I can't always avoid them. Furthermore this problem appeared in the last version it worked with previous versions.

Pascal Conil-lacoste

Moonsoft support 2013-09-27 13:29:16


We didn´t made any change in 1.2.9 version to avoid the use of apostrophes in field names. Anyway, we added to 1.2.10 version a new field called 'Internal name' in order to use this in Form and Detail Layout instead of name. If you´ll upgrade to this version, internal name will be filled with name, but if you try to save List, you´ll see a validation error, as this field only admits a-z, A-Z and 0-9. So you´ll need to change in field list and also in Form and Detail Layout(##INTERNAL_NAME## instead of ##NAME##).


Moonsoft Team

User moon_1262 2013-10-15 12:30:53

Sorry, for some reason I was not notified of your answer.
Anyway I tested the new version and... It killed one of my lists.

Here are the steps I followed :
1 - Verified my lists showed on a copy of a site
2 - Updated LM to 1.2.10
3 - Repeated step1
4 - Opened one of my lists and changed all internal names to chains
5 - Saved > Kabooom : 'Some values are incorrect' message, then 'list saved' message' and a blank page showing only 'LIST FIELDS, Add Field, Delete Selected Field(s)'
6 - After that, impossible to access that list being in back or front-end

Conclusion : I'll skip this version on my prod site :)
I managed to use single quotes in place of apostrophes to circumvent the problem in 1.2.08.


Edited by moon_1262 - 15.10.2013 12:35

Moonsoft support 2013-10-15 13:09:47

thank you very much for your feedback. That message means the core validator is throwing an error, and is sending an empty set of data to save. Not sure why the validator crashes, as its part of the admin libraries, so we have modified the code to skip that step. We've uploaded a new version 1.2.11 that should keep your data fields structure.

Thanks, regards

User moon_1262 2013-10-16 18:17:18

1.2.11 is OK. Thanks.


Edited by moon_1262 - 16.10.2013 18:17

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