List Manager Forum

iframe / video in 'Details' view

User moon_1211 2013-08-30 13:16:02

Hi there,

Can anyone advise the best way of embedding a YouTube video within the 'Details' view?

At the moment I am trying the standard iframe embed code from YouTube within a text area field, but unfortunately Listmanager seems to strip the code from the editor field when I save it.

My TinyMCE plugin settings and Text Filter settings within the Configuration menu is set to permit the iframe tag.

Any advice/help would be appreciated.

Moonsoft support 2013-08-31 10:23:25

you can try to use a simple text type to add your code. We have tried to edit text field from the front-end, inserted the video iframe, and checked the detail, which shows the video without issues.

Which is the method and field type you're using to introduce data, that is stripping your html?

Best regards

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