List Manager Forum

Frontend list not populated

User moon_1153 2013-07-01 14:52:44

Hi again,

Still busy getting it to work.
I see the blue layout on the frontend, but the list is not populated with data.
I tried almost anything, but I cannot get it to work.

My browser says: waiting for....
It suggests that not all data is loaded.

Please help.

Moonsoft support 2013-07-01 15:59:09


Please check if there´s any javascript error in your page. Sometimes another javascript error in page could stop javascript execution in List Manager.
If there was no javascript error, also, you should check if fields are set to 'visible' in backend.
If you want us to take a look, please place a ticket at helpdesk in Customer Area with the url.


User moon_1153 2013-07-01 16:05:35

I get some errors:

HTML1524: Invalid DOCTYPE. The shortest valid doctype is "".
index.php, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT1002: Syntax error
URL, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT1002: Syntax error
index.php, line 289 character 18
SCRIPT5009: 'LMJQ' is undefined
listmanager.js, line 1122 character 2

I replaced the original URL with URL for security reasons posting here.
The fields are set to visible, I checked it.

Edited by moon_1153 - 01.07.2013 16:08

Edited by moon_1153 - 01.07.2013 16:08

Edited by moon_1153 - 01.07.2013 16:09

Moonsoft support 2013-07-01 16:14:29


Do you have any javascript (jquery) plugin such as 'jquery easy' installed in your site?


User moon_1153 2013-07-01 16:34:26

I checked and the JoomlaBamboo template has a JB Library which controls jquery.
I disabled it and it did the trick.The list became populated.

However, I cannot oversee the consequences. In the JB Library I can select different jquery versions and I can select between the Google version or a local version.

For now, everything seems to work smoothly, but if there is a way to keep the JB Library enabled, please help.

Moonsoft support 2013-07-01 16:58:24


We checked JB plugin and test some configurations but we realized that always move js libraries from components. This could cause, not only in our component, other libraries not to work properly. Browser reads javascript in linear way, from top to bottom, so execution order is important.
Others similar plugins has this as possibility in configuration.

We add it to improvement list for new versions.


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