List Manager Forum

Error importing csv

User anonymous 2011-10-21 14:16:25

Dear Gestion,

I have purchased the ListManager and all is clear and nice, but I do get
an error when I try to import data into a table..

The error is: JUser::_load: Unable to load user with id: 94

Joomla ID 94 is a client existing at db

What happens when importing...

Only the first record contains the user name, the others are empy..

Hope you can help me with this issue..

Moonsoft support 2011-10-21 14:16:53

we've reproduced your issue, some unwanted character has beed included at the beginning of the line, if first column is user typed, it makes user load to fail. It has a single/line solution, so overriding one file should work(you'll have to delete data and repeat csv step, though).
We attach the file changed, if you are able to do it, please override file
at this path:


Please let us know if this solves your problem

Best regards


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