List Manager Forum

field disabled

User moon_1123 2013-06-17 20:25:16

good afternoon
I'm conducting some tests. I created an address field and it looks like this on the front end: Endereço/Rua ##Endereço/Rua## No option to edit or fill.
Deletes the field and he continues it without the option to edit or fill.
I wonder also how to create a new field and leave him in second position
Please I need help.
thank you

Moonsoft support 2013-06-17 21:07:25

the problem could be related with the / at the name. Please try with an alternate name for the field, like Endereço-Rua or Endereço|Rua.
You can add new fields at your backend, and then apply them an order using the 'order' parameter at each field configuration. This number is used to order the columns at the front-end.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1123 2013-06-17 21:28:05

But because the field continues after deleted it?
And why after creating another field it does not appear when you click add?
See the example here on the site.
I need to add new fields and use the front end

Moonsoft support 2013-06-17 21:31:32

maybe you have set properly your fields, but you didn't modify your form layout?
Please double-check the form layout, and use the Layout tables generation in order to build automatically the input form with the fields available.

Best regards

User moon_1123 2013-06-17 21:45:16

Thanks for the replies.
But where can I change the layout? Which way and how should I proceed?
For the quick guide does not explain step by step.
thank you

Moonsoft support 2013-06-17 22:05:12

once you have the fields created, use the form layout option at the top menu.
you will find the layout option information at the section 'layout' of the quick guide, please check page 12. You can use the helper buttons to discard previous form and create a new one with the fields available.

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