List Manager Forum

Please help me to make a restaurant menu items

User moon_1065 2013-05-16 21:21:34

i am trying to make a list of restaurant menus. I need the layout look like the on please provide me the css codes i need i cant make my custom table in lm.

User moon_1065 2013-05-16 23:44:37

columns layouts dont work pls help

Moonsoft support 2013-05-17 09:47:26

you have several options in order to add styles to your list. First, you have available some default classes to style each column (th included). They are automatically created as lm_column_x, so your table has the following styles applied:

th class="lm_tableheader lm_columnheader lm_column_0"
th class="lm_tableheader lm_columnheader lm_column_1"

..and so on.

If you add the lm_column_0 to your template css, or to list manager css


you should be able to style your columns as required.

Also you have available a parameter at each field (css class), if you type at the first field the class 'myclass', you will get at the front-end the tds of the table styled this way

Cell Content

Again you can use/add styles of your template or create your own.

For the whole table, you have at lm css this class:

.lm_result table {


intended only to remove borders, that you can also style as needed. Please note the rest of styles not present at lm css will be inherited from your template.

Hope this helps, regards

Moonsoft Team

Edited by MSTeam - 17.05.2013 09:49

User moon_1065 2013-05-17 11:19:58

can you please provide me with the codes to make a list like this:

Name(label hidden)
Description(label hidden) Price(label hidden)

User moon_1065 2013-05-17 11:28:49

Glass Bottle

Red Berry , Pastry and Citrus
50 60

User moon_1065 2013-05-17 11:35:02

i am so sorry for not understanding you very weill. Please check this website.

check the menu and wine pages pls

Moonsoft support 2013-05-17 12:25:29

sorry we think we didn't quite understood your issue either. If you want to show a list like for example, the one we can see at the right panel of


You will need to create a couple of fields for your list:

Description: Typed html (you can enter a whitespace for the name if you don't want to show it at the list header)
Bottle: Typed number

Then you can fill your list using your html editor for the data

Gooseberry , Cherry and Berry fruit.

and also fill the price

At this point you will have a list with a couple of columns. If you want to style the table in order to make the first column wider, for ex, then you should add to the css file the class


//your settings here;


same way you can set your borders, backgrounds, etc, you may need to get the look required for each column or the whole table.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1065 2013-05-17 13:12:46

This is good news but my customer wants only text boxes to fill. How can i tweak the css of cards layout to it. and yes you got the concept. pls help me make with css to make cards layout like that.

User moon_1065 2013-05-17 13:17:54

How can i put the second column cell underneath first column cell?

Moonsoft support 2013-05-17 13:27:25

if you only type plain text to fill the data, then you only can add style to the whole cell,if you are using the card layout, then the style classes you need to add are:

For the column name

//your style here;

for the column data

//your style here;

if you want to place the data below the title of the column, then you can use:


Hope this helps,regards

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