List Manager Forum

Cant edit data in backend

User moon_1046 2013-05-06 17:16:55

I imported csv data. It works ok
But i want to edit data in the backend. When i open manage data on the listings manager and select a datarecord, i can see the fieldnames but no data and there is nothing to edit.

Can you help me with this?

Moonsoft support 2013-05-06 18:40:39

once the csv is loaded, data should be handled normally from the backend, maybe there were some information at the csv causing the wrong storing of each column. Please place a ticket at the helpdesk, and attach there (or copy directly at the text), your csv, we'll try to replicate here and let you know the origin of the issue.

Thanks, regards

User moon_1046 2013-05-06 20:49:52

Thanks, i will.
But the data is correctly displayed at the website in the frontend.
The right data in the right colom, so that dont fot a wrong import


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