List Manager Forum

Link to pdf file

User anonymous 2011-10-21 14:10:45


I've just bought the "list manager" extension. It's a great
component, but I feel a bit disappointed as the most important function for me is that I would like to have the possibility to insert a link inside a field,
like a link to a pdf file for example, as below :

Ref : A0
Type: T1
Map : see map < http: ///images/plan/1.pdf >

Is it possible or should I plan to seek for an other extension ?


Moonsoft support 2011-10-21 14:11:16

if you want a link to show at table data, you can define a field
type text,and insert valid html as its value. Any valid html tag should work, so for your case:
< a href="" >link< / a >
would show a google link. Same way you can create links to documents
hosted on your site.

Hope this helps,

User anonymous 2011-10-21 14:11:35

Thanks for your quick answer !

I tried your solution but it does'nt work : the html code does not
appearas a link in the front-end and data in the table is automatically
re-interpreted without the code...

User anonymous 2011-10-21 14:11:44

In fact I've just found it works when editing from the frontend, but
behaves as I previously said when the link is added from the admin. Strange
indeed, but for the moment it's ok for me. Anyway, if you find a solution for
this, please let me know !


Moonsoft support 2011-10-21 14:12:15

Ok, maybe backend is clearing tags by default before accesing database,
we'll check and try to remove that. If we get it work, we'll send you the file to mofify.
Thank you for your feedback, best regards

User anonymous 2011-10-21 14:12:25


Thank you again for your quick support ! My form is growing fast and well, your extension is a real pleasure to work with !
I just have a last query ;-) : how do you remove the export buttons (excel and pdf) when displaying a form in a component position ?

Thanks in advance

Moonsoft support 2011-10-21 14:13:18

thank you very much for your feedback.
We've found the solution to avoid joomla admin clear html tags. A filter is applied by default for security reasons, so it has to be forced not to work for this specific page. One single file has to be modified, so we attach it for you to override at this path:


Regarding export functions, you should edit this file (when using module view):


Search for the last section of the file, these two lines:

< div id="< ? php echo $seed; ? >exportpdf" ................

< div id="< ? php echo $seed; ? >exportexcel" .......................

First one displays pdf button, second one excel option. If you want to hide them, add this code to each line:


to have this result:

< div style="visibility:hidden" id="< ? php echo $seed;?>exportpdf" ........................

< div style="visibility:hidden" id="< ? php echo $seed;?>exportexcel" .........................

That should do the work. The code is very similar for component view, but located at this file:


Anyway we'll consider to add configuration options to hide these buttons for next version of listmanager, to make it easier.

Hope this helps,


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