List Manager Forum

German translation package

User moon_874 2013-01-19 17:31:08

Hi there,

Is a new German package for LM 1.1.1 in development? Since the language file for 0.0.3 misses many important language variables!

Moonsoft support 2013-01-21 09:42:37

German packages are provided kindly by our customers, they make the translation for their sites, and then send us the files. They help us to make a better extension, and in exchange they get extended suscriptions. At this time we don't have any german files for 1.1.1, as soon as we get the tranlations, we'll upload to customer area the package. If you want to build your own translation files, you could also give a try to the language files needed, here are the default English paths:


joomla\language\en-gb\en-GB.com_listmanager.ini (component view)
joomla\language\en-gb\en-GB.mod_listmanager.ini (module view)

We use standard joomla tranlation approach, so you only have to rename them to



and introduce the German texts at the right side of each expression.

Hope this helps, regards

Moonsoft support 2013-12-08 19:22:48


I´m not sure if I understand your answer, does exist a German translation package??

Best Regards


Moonsoft support 2013-12-09 09:26:43

yes, a German translation exists, you will find it at your customer area, if you display 'show older versions'. Please check the latest German translation to download language files. We also explained above how to create the translated texts, because if the language file version is older than the component, maybe you will find any new text that was added to the version that would need to be added to the german file.

Hope this helps, regards

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