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Send email with exit layout (incl. results) 22.01.2014 14:04

I would like to send out an email with pdf attachment.
The pdf attachment works ok, however I would like to have the full exit layout screen in this pdf.

Re: Send email with exit layout (incl. results) 22.01.2014 16:46

are you creating & sending this pdf attachment from the code? Then you will have something like:

$mail_content='Form mail content: ';

you can add to that variable any content needed, you can copy the whole exit layout (toggle editor) code and replace the ##result## expressions, with $result as you're working on php. If you have at your output

This is my result1:##result1## that is printed on screen

For the pdf you should set this at the code:

$mail_content='This is my result1:$result1 that is printed on screen';

Of course this line should be below the ones calculating your results.

Hope this helps, regards
Moonsoft Team
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