CalcBuilder Forum

translate -This field is required-

User moon_1209 2013-10-24 18:32:58

Where can I put the translation for : This field is required.

can't find it in de lang. files

Moonsoft support 2013-10-24 18:53:39


Calcbuilder uses JQuery Validator plugin for forms. To change messages, you can go to Javascrit events in your calculator and in 'Executed in loaded page' tab write the following:

CB.validator.messages.required = "Your new required message here!";

You could also, if you need, change these default messages:

required: "This field is required.",
remote: "Please fix this field.",
email: "Please enter a valid email address.",
url: "Please enter a valid URL.",
date: "Please enter a valid date.",
dateISO: "Please enter a valid date (ISO).",
number: "Please enter a valid number.",
digits: "Please enter only digits.",
creditcard: "Please enter a valid credit card number.",
equalTo: "Please enter the same value again.",
maxlength: CB.validator.format("Please enter no more than {0} characters."),
minlength: CB.validator.format("Please enter at least {0} characters."),
rangelength: CB.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long."),
range: CB.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1}."),
max: CB.validator.format("Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}."),
min: CB.validator.format("Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.")

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1209 2013-10-24 20:10:39


for most of the other stuff I translate the lan. ini file


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